Before I start, I have to ask; Isn't Sabrina the cutest sick puppy in the world?
Ok, here's how the story goes: Evi and Conrad were in town, and when they came home, they noticed that Sabrina throat was really loose. Conrad, being Conrad, naturally panicked... Evi thought it might have been a bee sting, but they called the Vet anyways. The vet said it was probably just a bee sting and to wait it out! Well... her throat started to fill up with pus! Slowly, and slowly the loose flap of skin turned into the size of a grapefruit, over a period of five days. Evi made an appointment to have the abcess removed, but Conrad noticed that she was having trouble breathing, so at 11:00 PM, they rushed poor Sabrina to the emergency to have it removed! They had a drain installed which would let all the pus leak out. It would have to be worn for 1 week. In order to prevent Sabrina from removing it they made her wear a Buster Collar, which we called 'The French Bonnet'! Even Sabrina admitted that she looked ridiculous! She had trouble walking for the first two days, because the collar would swing from side to side and throw her off-balance! Sometimes the collar would get stuck on the floor and Sabrina would almost do a handstand! One of the benefits to this was the pampering! This Sabrina took full advantage of! She stayed on Conrad's bed the entire time, cuddled up and watching her favorite movie (Forrest Gump). Later when she felt better she would use her sisters' fear of her collar to her advantage! If a sister tried to climb onto Conrad's bed, she would simply jut out her head and collar, and the dog (usually Simone) would run out of the room, howling and with her tail between her legs! All the Beagles had a few words for Beanie when she got better! And that's all I have to say about that!